evocation in red (permanent installation)
Yvonne Goulbier

Hanover artist Yvonne Goulbier has made a name for herself within Germany and abroad with her light art installations. She was represented in the first Light Trail of 2000 by her work "Roses Without Thorns“, which transformed the Rosental Bridge into one of the highlights of the exhibition.

Her new installation, "Evocation in Red“, was commissioned by the city of Braunschweig in 2006 and completed in 2008. It is the first of a series of bridge illuminations in Braunschweig, artistic interventions which, unlike the temporary projects of the Light Trail, will become permanent features of Braunschweig’s cultural landscape.

"Evocation in Red“ is a work in two parts. The bridge arch is transformed into a magical realm of light through 150 blossom-shaped red LED lights, while a pale yellow illumination of the bridge balustrade above creates a transition to the streetlit cityscape above. The second part of the work, a beam of light that wanders along the rearward cornice of the Theatre, symbolises the flow of traffic across the bridge. It is both a beacon welcoming travellers to the city, and a 'follow spot' of the theatre.
Art historian Dr. Annette Roggatz writes, "With her light installation, the artist Yvonne Goulbier illuminates the lost artistic and urbanistic qualities of the historic bridge. In place of the three-dimensional monumentality of the late 19th century, in its time an adequate means to attract viewers‘ attention, she introduces the transforming silence of light.“