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Application for City of Science 2005

Das Team 2005: Hintere Reihe: 19_Prof. Dr. Ernst Schaumann (TU Clausthal)  23_Dipl.-Ing. Josef Thomas (DLR Braunschweig), 03_Prof. Dr. Günther Bräuer (IST), 14_Prof. Dr. Joachim Klein (BWG),  04_Prof. Dr. Wernt Brewitz (GRS), 20_Prof. Dr. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer (HAB),  21_Prof. Dr. Michael Schwarz (HBK), 24_Prof. Dr. Klaus Vorlop (FAL). Mittlere Reihe: 07_Dr. Gerhard Gündermann (BBA), 06_Prof. Dr. Ernst Otto Göbel (PTB), 08_Dr. Wolfgang Guthardt (phæno), 17_Dr. Thomas Döring (HAUM), 01_Oberbürgermeister Dr. Gert Hoffmann (Stadt Braunschweig), 05_Dipl.-Biol./ Dipl.-Jour. Thomas Gazlig (GBF), 10_Prof. Dr. Winfried Huck (FH BS/WF), 12_Prof. Dr. Horst Kierdorf (Städtisches Klinikum Braunschweig). Vordere Reihe: 09_Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Höpken (GEI),11_Prof. Dr. Ulrich Joger (SNHM), 18_Prof. Dr. Rainer Marutzky (WKI), 15_Dr.-Ing. Britta Kragert (CUTEC), 16_Prof. Dr. Jochen Litterst (TU Braunschweig), 22_Prof. Dr. Erko Stackebrandt (DSMZ), 02_Dr. h.c. Gerd Biegel (BLM).
In December 2003 Braunschweig, along with 36 other cities, sent an application to the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft for the title of City of Science 2005. More detailed information is available in the German version.
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